October 24th
The loaner boat debuts and gets a first in the first race but went downhill from there. Stu did a good job teaching Chris to fiberglass because the boat did not leak but it had other issues.

Here is its good side. It is never good when the skipper is holding the blade for the rudder in her hands.
Some of the gang. Where is Mark, Dave and Chris?
The winners for the Day.
We had those crazy easterlies at 10-18 with 30 degree shifts.
For some reason all those great shots taken on the water were not in the camera. Got to do better.
October 31 Halloween
Bob and Angie are back in town so Bob was sailing with Bob today. It was a great surprise when they were at the docks readying their boat. That dumb photographer forgot her camera so no sailing pictures. We had four boats and those crazy easterlies again. The Kelly's sailed the loaner boat again after ironing out the problems from last week. It is ready to sail now except it needs a longer topping lift (easy fix) and we are going to change out the cleat on the tiller that holds the rudder down. It is a fast boat and the Kelly's took 3 firsts and one second.
Florida One Design Championship and Day Sailer Florida State Championship
November 14-15th, 2015
Boca Ciega Yacht Club in Gulf Port
The Competition Continued into the night---
Ping Pong tournament at Bruce & Janets
Lil has on her game face